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 Instructional Guides

Engaging Students One Story At A Time ...

Cinema Ed teamed up with New Waves Productions to write, produce and shoot the short independent film, "Bartleby 2013," an updated retelling of Herman Melville's classic short story.  The film received a Director's Citation from the Black Maria Film Festival and was an official selection of the Garden State Film Festival and Twin Rivers Film and Media Festival.  Set on the shores of the Atlantic and in the law offices of a hard-working Wall Street attorney, this short film takes a fresh look at the lanky man who walked into a quiet law office and sent it into an uproar with four simple words:  "I prefer not to." Cinema Ed has taken the actual film itself into high school classrooms, working with Language Arts Teachers to study Melville's writings and understand the nature of filmmaking as it relates to literature.

                             about the Instructional Guide for Bartleby.


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