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November 2024 FilmBoot24 Films

Now in its EIGHTH season, FilmBoot24 is a 24-hour filmMaking boot camp that teams Orange High school students with Drew University students and professional filmmaking mentors to create six short films in just over twenty-four hours. This year we had another great turnout of students on Drew’s campus, and we are so proud to show you what these teams have done as they made their films in just one day! Starting on Friday afternoon, over 50 high school students, college students and professional mentors teamed up to create 6 films by 6 pm on Saturday. This was also the third year that we put together a SPANISH LANGUAGE TEAM (Team 2). Each film had a theme that was tied to their curriculum and each team had to use the same prop, a BOX OF BAND-AIDS, in some way in their film. Watch and enjoy!!

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Team 1_Band Aid2.jpg
Team 2_Saving Lalvay.jpg

GRAND JURY PRIZE FILM:  United by Understanding

TEAM 4 Anthony Jamison, Celine Jobson - Mentors
Briajohnae Jones, Davion Brown, Katherine Falcon, Matthew Pintado, Vanessa Clement

THEME:  Taking a Stand - what examples come to mind of someone taking a stand? What happened when they did? What is worth fighting for?


TEAM 1 - Pamm Malveaux - Mentor
Alice Lebofsky, Yenni Gonzalez-Chacon, Gerald Acheampong, Rodrigo Cuzco Loja, Joshua Lopez Ingles, Lizbeth Morocho

THEME: Health - is it a physical thing or a mindset or is it something you pursue? Can you have it and lose it? Can you gain it back?? Put Health in your story!

FINALIST FILM:  Saving Lalvay

TEAM 2 - Ash Patel - Mentor
Vida Lopez, Katherine Gualan Morocho, Anderson Villanueva, Lizbeth Rosero Espinoza, Elvis Lalvay, Esmeralda Tapia

THEME: Art - What is art? Performance, painting, rap music, film? What are the stories behind art? A muse? A tragedy? Make a film with art at its core.

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Team 5_Health.jpg
Team 6_An Artists Heart.jpg

FINALIST FILM:  The Moment of Realization

TEAM 3 - Danielle Earle, Jennah Pinkney - Mentors
Jayden Huber, Breena Stephen, Richard Alvarez, Giselle Damian, Ishad Raines

THEME: Taking a Stand - what examples come to mind of someone taking a stand? What happened when they did? What is worth fighting for?


TEAM 5 - Shakeila Tabman, Kalishah Champagne - Mentors
Kamila Polanco, Claudia Cabezas Cedeno, Pamela Funes Rubio, Fernanda Ortiz Encalada, Judnah Louis

THEME:  Health - is it a physical thing or a mindset or is it something you pursue? Can you have it and lose it? Can you gain it back?? Put Health in your story!

FINALIST FILM:  An Artist's Heart

TEAM 6 - Eric Richardson-Hagans, David Champagne - Mentors
Eliot Vishnevsky, Kiara Abreu, Brigette Guaman Paguay, Milani Warsaw Graham, Henry Ugah

THEME: Art - What is art? Performance, painting, rap music, film? What are the stories behind art? A muse? A tragedy? Make a film with art at its core.

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